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Charlotte NC

Additional Services

Benefits, Grants and Loans

Disaster Preparedness

Government Resources


The following information is for immigration issues. Please contact our office for assistance with any questions or problems you may have.

Missing Children

Passport Applications

We may be able to help you expedite your passport application in an emergency, report lost passports, and monitor overseas travel restrictions. Please contact our office for assistance with any questions or problems you may have.

Unclaimed Property

There are many types of unclaimed property held by local governments and agencies, some of which may be yours: savings or checking accounts, stocks, uncashed dividends or payroll checks, refunds, traveler’s checks, trust distributions, insurance payments or refunds and life insurance policies, annuities, certificates of deposit, customer overpayments, utility security deposits, mineral royalty payments, and contents of safe deposit boxes.

Vital Records

Constituent Service PowerPoint